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Recognition of Achievement and Effort

Our Vision

At Warboys Primary Academy we believe that promoting positive, pro-social behaviours is important in helping children develop into intrinsically motivated, happy and hard-working individuals. Ultimately, this is key for them to succeed academically and emotionally in the wider world as they develop into adulthood.

A recognition reward system

One way in which we promote these behaviours are through verbal praise and recognition by adults and their peers. This will help develop their intrinsic motivation towards success. However, at WPA we do recognise that children need extrinsic motivation to develop their sense of achievement and to help them recognise the positive impact these pro-social behaviours have on their own well-being, and the impact they can have on others. Therefore, we have developed a system of rewards targeted towards recognising the individual, and rewards that develop a sense of teamwork and community within their class and across the school.

Rewards are based on celebrating a child’s progress and efforts in a task, recognising achievements made across the curriculum, and honouring where our school behaviour and learning values have been observed.

Individual Recognition of achievement / effort

Postcards home: children can receive a post card home to share their successes with their families. This can be completed by any members of staff and is an opportunity to share a ‘WOW’ moment that had happened on that school day.

Star of the week: every Friday, we hold a celebration assembly where one child from each class is celebrated for their successes across or within the school week. Their names and achievements are announced to the rest of the school community by their class teacher, showcasing how much of a role model they were this week in their class.

Class recognition of achievement / effort

To encourage children to understand how they are part of a team, we have a class recognition of achievement / effort system. Each class has a jar and a set of marbles KS2/ foam balls, EYFS & KS1 and have decided a number of treats that they as a class want to work towards (i.e. pizza making afternoon, a movie with popcorn, wearing their own clothes etc.). Children must work together to show our school learning and behaviour values (i.e. walking sensibly and safely around school, working collaboratively in lessons or being respectful towards one another). Once these marbles have been earned, they cannot be removed. Once the jar is full, the class can have a treat that they have decided as a class.

House system

Every child is allocated a house at WPA (Blake, Cromwell, Jenner or Royce) and children can earn house points throughout the week for their efforts and achievements, which are added to their Class Dojo page.

Each week, class teachers add how many points each house has achieved, and the totals of all classes combined are announced in our celebration assembly by our house captains. These house points are then traded in for tokens which will then be added to the display in the school hall.

Children who are also stars of the week, will also be able to add a token to the display to symbolise how one person can make a change to the overall totals through hard work and determination. At the end of each term, the house with the winning number of tokens will earn a treat which will be determined by the house captains and Mr Mallott.

Contact Us

Humberdale Way, Warboys, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE28 2RX

01487 822317